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On a journey to create value

With the tragic war in Europe, 十大正规博彩网站排名的宗旨是保证人民和社会的安全,其重要性从未如此明显. 十大正规博彩网站排名随时准备在其增长之旅的下一步为其客户提供支持.
Micael Johansson, CEO and President
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Annual and Sustainability Report 2022

We entered 2022 with hopes of a return to normal after a prolonged pandemic. 然而, 这些希望没有实现,因为2月24日我们目睹了乌克兰悲惨战争的开始. The war has not only changed the geopolitical security situation significantly, but also the conditions for the European defence industry as a whole.

对于许多, the changed landscape also became a reminder that peace, 稳定和安全是自由和人权的基础,不幸的是,这并不是理所当然的. 因此,我很自豪地回顾十大正规博彩网站排名,以及指导我和我的19年的关键目标,000 colleagues: keeping people and society safe.


Many European countries, including Sweden, announced increased defence spending, leading to a stronger focus on national defence over the coming years. Sweden and 芬兰 also decided to join NATO. 所有这些都影响了十大正规博彩网站排名作为一家国防公司和最先进的国防能力提供商. As we stand ready to support our customers’ increased needs, our opportunities for future growth have improved significantly.

2022年,十大正规博彩网站排名看到了新老客户对其产品组合的浓厚兴趣. Several of our products and solutions have been used in the defence of Ukraine, supplied by existing Saab customers. 年底,我们的积压订单增长了21%,所有业务领域都出现了增长. 这是我们成功执行多国内增长战略和专注于核心领域的结果, ensuring our position to grow further together with our international customers.

One major order received during 2022 was within our Surveillance business, with the Swedish acquisition of two GlobalEye aircraft. We also signed large contracts with the U.K. and Sweden for the delivery of the NLAW anti-tank weapon system, on top of several Carl-Gustaf® orders.

At the end of the year, 十大正规博彩网站排名公司签署了一份为波兰设计和生产两艘信号情报船的重要合同. 我也很高兴十大正规博彩网站排名从波音公司获得了教练机后机身的第一个低速生产订单——这是我们新的美国航空航天业务的重要一步.S. facility in West Lafayette, 印度na.

Delivering on our growth promises

Our operational performance was robust across our businesses, although inflation, supply of certain materials and transportation was a challenge. 然而,我们一直在努力与我们的合作伙伴和客户一起减轻这些问题. 我们今年的目标是实现5%左右的有机销售增长, 与2021年相比,营业收入提高8%至12%,全年营业现金流为正. 随着我们结束2022年的账目,我可以得出结论,我们已经自信地实现了所有这些目标.

Investing for further growth

In order to help our customers keep their people and societies safe, investment in new technology that meets modern threats is crucial. 随着我们继续加强我们在核心领域的产品,并投资于新的创新解决方案, 我们已采取措施提高未来的产能和能力,以满足日益增长的需求. 这一年的一个里程碑是决定在印度建立卡尔-古斯塔夫®M4肩射武器系统的制造工厂. 投资增加我们在瑞典和美国的地面作战业务的未来能力.S. operations also continued.

Increasing our competences

The single most important factor in being able to meet our customers’ demands, both today and in the future, is Saab’s employees. 我们需要不断吸引新的人才,并投资于我们的同事,以保持我们的优势,并寻找未来的创新. In 2022, 十大正规博彩网站排名的招聘工作增加了,我很高兴我们净增加了超过1,000 employees globally this year.

Strengthening our sustainability agenda

During the year, 我们继续在可持续发展方面开展广泛的工作,并进一步加强负责任的销售政策. 此外, 我们在科学减排目标项目中启动了气候工作组,负责制定减排目标, which were later approved by the Science Based Targets initiative. 这是我们到2050年实现净零排放的一个重要里程碑,现在真正的工作开始了.

我们努力在业务的各个方面实现可持续发展,并支持联合国全球契约及其十项原则. 通过开发和提供解决方案,使客户能够实现自己的可持续发展目标, 我们可以在获得竞争优势的同时为可持续发展作出贡献.

结论, 2022年是对十大正规博彩网站排名和我们的客户提出了很多要求的一年,因为它需要适应新的现实. 我们已准备好支持客户不断增长的需求,并抓住未来的机遇. 我要感谢所有每天工作的十大正规博彩网站排名员工,他们帮助维护人民和社会的安全——我们所做的工作的重要性比以往任何时候都更加明显.

Stockholm, March 2023

Micael Johansson,
President and CEO


Highlights 2022

Operating margin
Dividend per share*
*Proposed dividend
Operational cash flow
CO2e emission reduction*
*Scope 1 and 2

Here for a reason

Saab is a leading security and defence company, serving the global market with products, services and systems at the forefront of technology. Since Saab was founded in 1937 we 是否努力通过为客户提供增强安全性的解决方案来保障人和社会的安全.

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How we create value


High growth potential, increased investments and new medium-term targets

2022年对十大正规博彩网站排名来说是财务稳健的一年,我们实现了这一年的展望. In the beginning of 2023, 十大正规博彩网站排名宣布了其2023年的展望以及2023-2027年的新中期目标.
Christian Luiga
"With the changed market conditions, but also Saab’s position, including our product portfolio, multi-domestic platform and strong backlog, we continue to be a company with substantial growth opportunities."
Christian Luiga, CFO and Deputy CEO
Read the full comment from the CFO in the report

Our sustainability strategy

In 2022, Saab’s sustainability journey continued. 我们通过制定有效的科学目标和实施与我们负责任的销售政策相关的框架,进一步推进了我们的承诺. 我们继续加强机构内部的可持续发展管治,并推行可持续发展培训,以提高员工的可持续发展意识和激励员工.